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Frequently Asked Questions 

I never done something like this before; what is the right way to cuddle?

That can look entirely different for each session. People are unique and have their own preferences. Some like to talk, some don’t. Some like a lot of physical contact, some like a little. Sometimes we feel lively and playful, sometimes we feel quiet and introspective. There are a gazillion right ways to cuddle! As long as you are following the code of conduct and respecting your Cuddlist practitioner’s boundaries, you are doing it right. Half of the fun is in discovering what is right for YOU. We hope you will leave feeling more relaxed, better about yourself and more confident about communicating your own needs while respecting the needs of others. Have fun!

What is okay, not okay to talk about during a cuddle session?

Compassionate listening can be a wonderful part of a cuddle session. Cuddling can also be a wonderful place to not have to talk and to enjoy comfortable silence with another.


How much you talk and what you talk about is entirely up to the two of you.


Your practitioner is not a counselor or coach, and even if they are in other parts of their life, that is not part of a cuddle session. They will be happy to listen and be honest with you about how much is too much for them in terms of what you share.


Everything is confidential unless you share any information of an illegal nature or the intention to do harm.

Where can i arrange to cuddle

Each practitioner profile has information on if they are willing to go to your residence (outcall) or you go to theirs (incall). If a practitioner can only do outcall, and you are unable to have them at your residence, consider a hotel/motel room, or cuddle at a public place such as a movie theater, park or restaurant booth. We’d like to see more public displays of cuddling in our world :)


Miss RinRin is an outcall practitioner only

What is okay, not okay to talk about during a cuddle session?

Compassionate listening can be a wonderful part of a cuddle session. Cuddling can also be a wonderful place to not have to talk and to enjoy comfortable silence with another.


How much you talk and what you talk about is entirely up to the two of you.


Your practitioner is not a counselor or coach, and even if they are in other parts of their life, that is not part of a cuddle session. They will be happy to listen and be honest with you about how much is too much for them in terms of what you share.


Everything is confidential unless you share any information of an illegal nature or the intention to do harm.

Is Anyone Welcome to become a client

Anyone is welcome to become a client who is the legal age of consent and is willing and able to abide by the code of conduct.


If you are a NEW client, please fill out our vetting form.

What Training do your cuddlist receive

Our practitioners complete our in-person or online orientation training course with ongoing mentorship and support as they continue to grow into their practice. If possible, they are expected to attend at least one Cuddle Party workshop, and are encouraged to continue to improve their self awareness and communication skills. 

What clothing should i wear for my session?

Please wear something that you are comfortable in. Pajama pants and sweats are popular cuddle wear. A minimum of shorts and a tank top is required for both practitioner and client as stated in the code of conduct. 

Do I have to Tip?

Tipping is entirely up to you. It is always appreciated and never expected.

What is your privacy policy

Your privacy is very important to us. We do not share client information or identity with anyone.


Confidentiality is part of our code of conduct for all practitioners.

What is your policy regarding hygiene?

Be respectful and considerate. Please report and practitioners with inappropriate personal hygiene directly to us and we will address the matter with them.

What if I become ubcofrotable or want to sto

If you become uncomfortable in any way at any time, please say so. Stop whatever is causing discomfort and adjust accordingly. Please do not wait until your discomfort is large, do this at the first hint of it. Professional cuddling is consent based and your practitioners WANT you to speak up! This is the perfect place to practice using your voice.


This is your session and none of it needs to feel any less than good! If you would like to end your session early for any reason simply let your practitioner know.

What happens if i become sexually aroused during a session

Arousal is a healthy human response to all kinds of things including touch. It is not a problem in a non-sexual session. The important thing is that neither client or practitioner respond to it in a manner intended to increase arousal. It can be acknowledged or not and simply allowed to come and go without taking focus.

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