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Wet Diaper Changes:

You may get your diaper changed one or two times.


In between diaper changes, you may play video games, card games, and color


3-hour minimum


Storytime and Cuddles:

You may have a minimum of 3 stories read to you while cuddling up to Miss RinRin

Bath Time:

30 Minute Bath time


Bottle feedings will include milk, formula, or juice. Spoon feedings will include apple sauce or pudding.

Wet Diaper Changes:

You may get your diaper changed one or two times.


In between diaper changes, you may play video games, card games, and color


4-hour minimum



Bottle feedings will include milk, formula, or juice. Spoon feedings will include apple sauce or pudding.

Wet Diaper Changes:

You may get your diaper changed one or two times.


In between diaper changes, you may play video games, card games, and color


3-hour minimum



Diamond sessions include an outing of choice paid for by the client. Some outings in the past included Movies, restaurants, fast food, golfing, bowling, arcade, walking around the mall, sitting at a playground, taking walks, and going to amusement parks. Miss RinRin will be open to other ideas and suggestions as well.

Messy Diaper Changes:

You may get your messy diaper changed one time. Additional messy changes will be charged $10.00 per diaper in cash, debit, or credit at the time of service

Storytime and Cuddles:

You may have a minimum of 3 stories read to you while cuddling up to Miss RinRin

Bath Time:

30 Minute Bath time


Bottle feedings will include milk, formula, or juice. Spoon feedings will include apple sauce or pudding.

Wet Diaper Changes:

You may get your diaper changed one or two times.


In between diaper changes, you may play video games, card games, and color


5-hour minimum


Bath Time:

30 Minute Bath time


Bottle feedings will include milk, formula, or juice. Spoon feedings will include apple sauce or pudding.

Wet Diaper Changes:

You may get your diaper changed one or two times.


In between diaper changes, you may play video games, card games, and color


4-hour minimum

Conventions and
Special Events

Please note that the following services are exclusively available at conventions and other special events. Thank you for understanding and we look forward to providing these unique offerings at our upcoming gatherings.


Start your day off right with our MORNING package, which includes a gentle wake-up call, complete with one diaper change to keep your little side fresh and comfortable. Our experienced caregivers will then assist in getting your child dressed and ready for the day ahead, ensuring a smooth and stress-free morning routine.


Our mini sessions are designed to provide a convenient and efficient way to cater to your little side's needs within a 45-60 minute timeframe. We offer three distinct packages to suit different times of the day and your specific requirements. These mini-sessions are perfect if you are passing through the area or at a convention or other event where Miss RinRin is.


Our NIGHTTIME package is perfect for winding down at the end of the day. Enjoy a cozy bedtime routine that includes a personalized story of your choice to spark imagination and creativity. We also provide a soothing diaper change and ensure your child is tucked in snugly and ready for a peaceful night's sleep.


Our mini sessions are designed to provide a convenient and efficient way to cater to your little side's needs within a 45-60 minute timeframe. We offer three distinct packages to suit different times of the day and your specific requirements. These mini-sessions are perfect if you are passing through the area or at a convention or other event where Miss RinRin is.


Our versatile ANYTIME package offers flexibility for those moments when your child needs care outside of regular routines. Treat your little side to a refreshing 15-minute bath, followed by a nourishing bottle or spoon-feeding to keep them energized and satisfied. We also include a diaper change in this Package to ensure your child remains clean and comfortable throughout the day.


Our mini sessions are designed to provide a convenient and efficient way to cater to your little side's needs within a 45-60 minute timeframe. We offer three distinct packages to suit different times of the day and your specific requirements. These mini-sessions are perfect if you are passing through the area or at a convention or other event where Miss RinRin is.


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