The LOVE, The CARE, The Punishment if you DARE
Click here for Miss RinRin's Social Media and Telegram Pages
The name of the organization is ABCDE Rangers. The organization has not been formed for the making of any profit, or personal financial gain. The assets and income of the organization shall not be distributed to, or benefit the trustees, directors known as group leaders, or officers, committee board members, or other individuals.
The purpose of the organization is the following:
Our goal is to learn new skills, spend time alongside others with similar likes, socialize, explore, earn badges and most importantly have fun.
The Sign: Rangers make the “Girl Scout sign”—raising three fingers of the right hand with the thumb holding down the pinky—when they say the Oath.
Motto: The ABCDE Ranger motto is "Be prepared." A Scout is ready to help out wherever they are needed.
Slogan: Do a good deed daily. The slogan is a reminder that we can make a big difference in small ways.
Greeting: ABCDE Rangers should greet one another in person with the Rangers’ handshake. The handshake is made by shaking hands with the left hand and making the Scout sign with the right. The left hand is nearer to the heart and signifies friendship.
Friendship Circle: Representing the unbroken chain of friendship among ABCDE Rangers from anywhere in the world, the Friendship Circle involves the Rangers standing in a circle, crossing their right arms over their left, and clasping hands with their friends on both sides. Everyone then makes a silent wish as a friendship squeeze is passed from hand to hand around the circle.
Friendship Song: This song is sung (or spoken) regardless of whether you are in person or attending virtually at the end of all meetings while still in the friendship circle formation.
ABCDE Rangers Law, Promise, and Our Oath:
Our law is a promise to ourselves and an oath to other ABCDE Rangers. This is the oath we will live by whenever possible but especially during meetings, trips, outings, and all ABCDE-related activities.
The ABCDE Rangers Law is as follows:
As a member of the ABCDE Rangers,
I hereby swear to always strive towards personal growth and achievement.
I, to the best of my ability, will demonstrate the dedication and patience to complete the requirements needed for learning a new and exciting life skill.
I also swear to help promote and strengthen the kink community through my actions and to help shed a positive light on the diverse and exciting lifestyles that I personally bring to the Rangers.
Through teamwork, dedication, honesty, open-mindedness, and friendship, I will help build a better tomorrow for myself and our community.
(Created – January 2022)
The purpose of these Bylaws is to guide the Leaders and officeholders (committee board members) along with ABCDE Rangers ( “troop”) Members ( “scouts”). All officeholders are responsible and have the authority to enforce these policies and encourage compliance by using the tried and true advice available. In addition to these Bylaws and ABCDE Rangers Handbook will guide all members of ABCDE Rangers.
In keeping with the ABCDE Rangers Motto, “Be Prepared”, it is the goal of the Troop Committee to provide avenues where each Ranger can attain their greatest potential as an individual and as a contributor to tomorrow’s society. So that these goals may be achieved in a systematic and orderly manner, the Troop Committee has established the following Bylaws for all of ABCDE Rangers.
Scouts shall be at least 18 years old, WITH a valid identification card. You must be a member of the ABDL or BDSM community, have a kink or fetish, or an ally to all safe, sane, and consensual kink communities without judgment.
All applications must be accompanied by the appropriate fees, which include the registration fee of $FREE and a one-time vetting fee which is donation only.
It should be noted that donation fees are given back to the troop to be used for snacks and drinks for members and scholarships for those who can not afford trips or badges.
Donations are never required but highly encouraged as they help other ABCDE Rangers and our community as a whole.
The new year begins on January 1st of each year. Only Rangers whose registrations and vetting have been completed and are current may participate in meetings and activities for everyone’s safety.
2.1 A calendar shall be prepared by Leadership and distributed via the Panda Playhouse Website as soon as possible each year. The website is ALTERNATIVELIFESTYLES.INFO look for the section header ABCDE with a subsection listed as “calendar”
2.2 The calendar will have a schedule of ABCDE Ranger Meetings, field trips, Planned Service Projects,
Planned Fundraisers, Troop Committee Meetings, other Troop Activities.
2.3 Changes to the calendar will be conveyed verbally at meetings, by telegram, and when necessary, by telephone or U.S. Mail.
3.1 A Ranger must be active to reap the benefit of the ABCDE Rangers program. Meetings and trips are the heart of what we do, and the Troop expects Rangers to attend those meetings and trips and make every effort to attend any annual events.
3.2 Scouts who make commitments to participate in Troop activities should faithfully
keep all such commitments. Failure to keep these commitments without a valid
excuse shows poor ABCDE Rangers Scout Spirit and may be considered at the time of advancement.
3.3 Scouts who have signed up for an event will be expected to pay for the event. It is
the discretion of the Leader AND/OR all other officers if the scout is to receive a
refund for the event that they could not attend. It should be noted that most times a refund will not be granted.
3.4 Scouts are encouraged to attend ABCDE Rangers activities and meetings and won’t be
denied attendance due to financial hardship. This can be coordinated through the
leaders and officers. We host fundraisers and accept donations all year to be put aside to use towards scholarships and funds.
Scouting is a uniformed organization. All Scouts, the Leaders, all of the officer positions, and selected guests are expected to have and wear a complete, neat, and clean, official ABCDE Ranger Uniform.
Ranger uniforms must be worn to all Troop meetings and Scouting functions, while traveling to and from scouting activities, including field trips.
4.1.1 The Leaders may designate the wearing of other clothes for Troop activities when it is deemed to be appropriate.
4.1.2 Scouts should be prepared to stand for a uniform inspection at any Troop meeting or activity.
4.1.3 At no time shall clothing with offensive or inappropriate language or designs be worn at Scout-sponsored functions. Appropriateness shall be at the discretion of the leadership and officers.
4.1.4 Adherence to uniform policies will be monitored by the Troop leadership and will be considered at the time of advancement.
All members must wear particular clothing and a hat.
The Clothing:
Black pants or dark jeans. No holes, rips, or tears.
No shorts or skirts. If we are doing an outside event, trip, or meeting and you feel you must wear shorts they need to be black or dark jean material and at least knee-length.
You may wear any solid color shirt,
We prefer red, purple, or green as they are the colors in our logo---shade of color does not matter.
Any shoes appropriate for the meeting or outing. No open toes for safety.
Everyone must wear socks for sanitary purposes
The Hat:
A hat or visor is to be worn when outside to protect your face from the sun. This can be of any color and style.
Note: People who attend virtually are not mandated to wear the full uniform however it is highly recommended so we can all feel like we are part of the same troop.
All rangers must submit the Leadership Position Application. Positions appointed by Leader and current team.
Please note that not all positions are available
Troop Leader:
Uniformed Scout Leaders are primarily responsible for organizing the activities of the group and training the ABCDE Rangers through the Scout program.
Troop Leader Assistant:
A Troop Leaders assistant is to help the troop leader in any way possible. They also help with the responsibilities of organizing activities for the group.
A webmaster will post on social media (Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, tic-tok, Instagram, etc.) on behalf of the troop. This is to be done at least 3-5 times a week to spread positive awareness across the world.
It should be noted that you can create a private page for these so your pages are not compromised with your face photos or with your personal/private business.
Telegram Executive Admin:
This admin is responsible for reading all messages.
They are responsible for knowing the rules and regulations and making sure the members are following such rules.
This admin is to greet all new members at the earliest convenience and to make members of the group chat feel welcomed and wanted.
A program called ‘Rose” will greet all new members.
An example message: This message can be changed as often as we see fit.
Welcome to the ABCDE Rangers telegram group. We are a kink-friendly scout group whose main goal is helping people learn general life skills. Mandatory meetings are the first Sunday of each month. There will also be social meetings as well as a few kink-based meetings that are not required but highly recommended. Please see the calendar pin for more details. Please take a moment to read our rules. You will also need to complete the vetting application as soon as possible. For more info on the vetting process, please see the vetting pin. To start the vetting application, please click below. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact an admin.
Graphic Design Artist:
This person will come up with the artwork that will go on all our badges and pins.
This person can work in their free time but must commit to doing art for all projects for a minimum of one year.
The Troop Committee Secretary keeps the minutes of meetings and distributes meeting notices. At each monthly troop committee meeting, the Secretary reports the minutes of the previous meeting. This person is responsible for maintaining the official copy of all the records for ABCDE Rangers documents such as the Handbook, Bylaws, meeting minutes and agendas, and policy or guideline documentation.
Minutes should be typed up and shared via email with anyone who signs up for a copy of the minutes.
The Troop Committee Treasurer handles all troop funds and pays bills on the recommendation of the Leader and authorization of the troop committee. The treasurer makes the annual budget submission, as specified in the Troop By-Laws, to the Troop Committee for adoption.
The Treasurer also maintains adequate financial records; maintains checking and savings accounts; supervises money-earning projects, including fundraising accounts; and reports to the troop committee at each monthly meeting on the status of the Troop’s financial condition.
The treasure will also be on the committee to help with sponsorships for people who cannot afford trips and will collect all donations for said individuals either online or in-person.
No overnight events will be scheduled without the approval of the Troop Committee.
Each scout is expected to carry all personal items they intend to take on a trip and their share of equipment as required. It is expected they will be able to pack all of these items in such a way that they can be carried to the site from the parking area. Backpacks are highly recommended.
If you have a disability or require an exception to this requirement it can be authorized in advance of the trip by the leader or committee members. This requirement will be waived.
The Rangers will have opportunities to attend at least six (6) field trips that require additional fees, and those will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Donations will be taken for several trips. The donations will be given to the "grub master" to pay for food and drinks for the trip. Receipts from the “grub master” are due to the Treasurer at the start of the event.
ABCDE Rangers that commit to going to an event are expected to pay for the event. Refunds are at the discretion of the Leader and the committee if a scout is unable to attend after signing up and paying. This is because we may lose access to group rates.
Each individual will be responsible for the safety and care of their personal belongings, equipment, and supplies.
All Rangers are responsible to buy their own kits and or supplies if the badge requires it. All rangers are responsible for the cost of their own badges and pins. Badges are in form of stickers.
If you cannot afford these things we will try to work with you to the best of our ability.
Most times you can participate in watching and learning the skill without doing the hands-on activities. You will not be able to earn a badge for these skills as you did not do the actual work.
Many badges and skills that ABCDE Rangers will be focusing on will not require supplies, kits, or additional financial resources.
Scouts are not permitted to use personal electronic devices (i.e., cell phone, radio, television, player recorder, electronic games, personal computer, etc.) for any purpose other than ABCDE Rangers meetings, trips, or during activities until it is “FREE TIME” unless specifically authorized by the leader or committee board members.
We want your focus to be on what we are teaching and discussing and not what is happening on social media or online.
ABCDE Rangers is not intended for finding partners, buying or selling, or general age play, BDSM, kink, fetish, or alternative lifestyle discussion.
We may have time at the end of our meeting to discuss those things but it should be noted that they will never be the focus of our group.
We do host several kink-related skills classes throughout the year. These are basic education to help all members of the group. These are not mandatory.
There is a zero-tolerance of bullying, harassment, or just plain rudeness. There will be no tolerating of subject matter relating to actual minors or illegal sex acts.
ABCDE Rangers is a not-for-profit. This is essential in giving back to the community and paying it forward. Community includes other rangers who may have financial needs and still want to participate in ABCDE Ranger activities.
Rules for EVERYONE
Don't be a butthole.
Treat others how you would like to be treated. Don't harass people. We love each other. No put-downs, no nasty words. No outing other people. No using other people's first names in-person or online unless they have posted it themselves. No handing out Panda Playhouses’ information or any information about ABCDE Rangers meeting place (if in a private home) without a leader's permission.
Anything that could make the group, the events, or the members in them feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or outed falls under "being a butthole." Just don't do it.
Do not lie, even white lies could hurt someone. If you are not 100% sure about a fact, tell the truth that there may be wiggle room. Complete trust and honesty is important regardless of the role you have in ABCDE Rangers
Do not steal. If you require something please come to a leader or a committee member and we will do our best to help you get what you need.
We may not always be able to help but we will try our best to help you find resources in your area to help you in your situation.
Do NOT be a butthole. It's important enough to say it twice.
No Political Discussions.
Period. None. Ever. Politics can drive the sanest, sweetest person to want to murder someone. So let's not do that here. There are other places for it.
Please Keep Your Beloved Pets At Home.
Your pets do not belong at our meetings or on our trips. They do not belong at events.
If you have a service dog please share your paperwork with the committee board.
Emotional support animals are currently not allowed at any ABCDE Rangers function as they do not have the same level of training as a service dog.
Photographs in Telegram.
Please post photos, stickers, gifs, etc that are in good taste.
Make sure all parts that would be covered in a bathing suit based on your gender are also covered in photos.
No urine, feces, vomit, blood, gore, etc
No used diaper photos. If you are a DL or wear padding you may share cute photos but no photos with sexual intentions.
If you have a feeling you should not post a photo, please go with your gut.
Photos With Permission Only.
Please do not take anyone's picture. We may all be friends but we are also kinksters and not everyone is “out” or “open” about their alternative lifestyle, kink, or fetish. People may want to remain anonymous from the outside world with the ABCDE Rangers and they have a right to do so.
If you want to keep a picture that someone posted, ask them first. This protects their anonymity.
Remember: Even if you don't care about being out, maybe they do. If you don't care about having your photos online, maybe someone else does. Just be respectful of that and get their consent.
In the group chat, people may share photos of anything other than pedophilia, drugs, rape, and anything else illegal. If you have a question about a photo please ask a leader.
Limit Stickers.
In the group chat limit stickers, pictures, and GIFs (any combo) to 5 an hour per person. This helps keep people talking. Stickers are cute and we all love them but sometimes it’s a little too much.
Videos And Voice Messages on Telegram.
Please keep these to a bare minimum. It’s a preference not to do them at all. However, it’s nice to sing happy birthday and such to our friends.
This is because people are at work or other locations that make it difficult to watch or listen. It’s not fair to post something if people can’t view it.
Please do not advertise yourself or anything else without permission from one of the admins.
Listen to the Leaders and Committee.
This is a dictatorship. No ifs, ands, or buts. There is no favoritism in the ABCDE Rangers. Everyone will be treated as an equal!
Special situations and expectations may vary from person to person due to a person’s ability is not a form of favoritism, it is a way of helping them succeed.
You are here as an equal member. You are not here to Top, Dominate or be a Big to anyone.
No physical contact at all without consent (example: tickling).
The only exceptions are during the friendship circle and scout handshake.
If someone does not want to participate in the ‘touching’ of others, they can be excused.
You are not allowed to ask any members or guests about becoming their Top, Dominate, Big or Other.
You are not allowed to ask any members or guests about becoming their bottom, submissive/slave, or little/middle, or other.
If you have a significant other. They are to follow the same rules as all other members of the chatroom or members at meetings, trips, events, etc. They will not be treated differently because they have their own Top, Dominant, Big, Other, bottom, submissive, slave, little middle, or other.
Have fun and help your fellow members engage in conversation and join in the fun with other ABCDE Rangers.
9.2 Telegram Group Admins:
Admins are here to enforce the rules and help anyone in need. Sometimes people can be cruel without meaning to be. If you are being bothered by a group member (even in a private message) we will do our best to take care of it for you. To join our chatroom please contact an Admin below on Telegram using their @ symbol.
If you have questions or concerns please contact an admin:
@Lemming275 is our executive admin and co-leader.
@MissRinRin is the owner of this chatroom. If an admin is unable to assist you please go to her.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure public safety and to maintain a safe, and productive environment for all members by preventing accidents or other dangerous incidents that may result from drug or alcohol use. This policy pertains to all members during all meetings, trips, and events.
The possession, use, or sale of alcohol on any premises during meetings, trips, or other activities is strictly prohibited. Further, the possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs is prohibited at any time.
We ask that tobacco users either via chewing tobacco or cigarettes use those products before entering the meeting and use designated smoking spots when on trips.
This includes electric cigarettes and vaping devices.
ALL ABCDE Rangers are prohibited from reporting to any meeting, event, or activity under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
A troop member who is taking a prescription drug or medically monitored medications should make leadership aware of what those medications are and what they are used for.
This is a precaution to reduce to risk of emergency during meetings, events, and trips.
REMEMBER: we care about your safety and well-being, you will never be judged or turned away from the ABCDE Rangers based on any medical, mental, or physical diagnosis.
Members found to violate this policy by either directly possessing or using alcohol or drugs, or not following protocol for tobacco use as described above, or through a verified positive drug test or by court conviction, will be subject to immediate discharge from the ABCDE Rangers
Scout behavior will be following the Scout Law and Scout Oath. As such, Leaders and committee board members reserve the right to exclude any ABCDE Ranger from an activity, because their behavior, fails to conform to these standards.
The committee board and leaders have the authority to discipline a scout, including temporary or permanent suspension, for conduct inconsistent with the ABCDE Rangers ideals. This can include cursing, harassment, disrespect to leadership, dangerous behavior that involves the health, safety, and welfare of other scouts. The scout may consult the Troop Committee if necessary.
It is Troop policy that once a Scout has been warned about an objectionable behavior, any subsequent occurrence may be grounds for requiring that the Scout immediately leave from a meeting, trip, or activity.
It should be noted that if a member is caught stealing or lying over anything that the leaders or committee find to be serious you will be removed and banned from the ABCDE Rangers.
Troop Committee may recommend changes or amendments to these Bylaws, the badge books, and/or other policies. Changes and amendments must be approved by a 2/3rds vote of the members present at a Troop Committee Meeting.